Are You

Are you so busy that you feel like you've fallen off track? Are your deadlines more like suggestions? Do you feel like your business is struggling, has lost its focus, or is out of control? Do you feel like you have no control over what happens day-to-day? If so, you just might be winging it in your business. If you feel like that proverbial chicken with its head cut off, you're not working according to your plans and goals. You might be extremely busy, but are you productive? The two are not the same. Being busy may mean you're simply going with the flow and doing what you need to at the moment to keep the business going. Again, you're winging it. You're flying by the seat of your pants and don't have the focus or the control you need to keep your business on goal. When you're not in control, you're not productive. wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas


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