Getting A Business Loan
Is your money shrinking and you feel like you need a business loan? Too many people feel the pressure of throwing together a loan package quickly. These are three identifiable and proven ways to improve your chances of getting a business loan. Apply for a business Loan with your Business Name Instead of Your Given Name: For instance, use your business loan, "Sarah's Block Company" versus your given name - "Sara Smart." The reason you need to apply for a business loan in your business name is because it is a business loan - Not a personal loan. The banks and loan institutions are more than happy to help your business with a business loan, but they shy away from making a business loan to a person. Having a business that is a corporation or LLC improves your rate of success - For example, an S-Corp, C-Corp, or LLC. Sole Proprietors have difficulty as business owners getting a business loan because they lack the same credibility of being identified as a 'busin...